PIKE Electro fuse is finally here.
As a customer you can now order your Pike Superior Pike Giant or Pike Brio as a complete electro model or only the electro fuse as an option part!

Development and the production :
In spring 2004 the prototype was tested of a X-tail fuse that the nose were cut on. We found that the fuse with small modifications would be great for a brushless motor and there was room for a good number of cells (6-16 CP1700). After small changes we made the final version of the electro fuse is now in production.

The electro fuse can be used with both Superior, Giant and Brio wing without modifications. The elevator of the sailplane fuse also fits the electro fuse. The servos are seated in the rudder. Graupner DS368 / Volz MicroMaxx or equalent. 3kg or better servo for elevator and Graupner C-271 for rudder control.
The servos can (recommended) to be prefitted from the factory.

Size of spinner: 40-42mm
Empty weight fuse: apx 334g
Empty weight elevator: 54g
Empty weight full carbon model with accessories: apx 1718g (SL 68 wing is lighter)
Flying weight: 2350-2800g - depends on version, motor and battery used.
CG: 107-118mm

There is a wide variety of motors, controllers and batteries that can be used and there is no single solution that is the only solution. Each customer should get a complete powersystem from their preferred supplier. The fuse can take most power setups on the market. Power range should be from 400-2000watts and a setup that provides large diameter propeller in the range 14-20inches.
A number of alternative setups can be found HERE

Equipment used by Jo Grini (Pike Superior carbon and Pike Brio carbon):
The propeller is 18x11
Motor is an Hacker B50 6S with 6,7:1 gear (preferred the 7S version)
10 cells GP2200 that is zapped and matched. Setup draws apx 180A and climbs above 15m/s. Motocalc
10 cells CP1700 z/m draws much less at apx 110-120A and climbs at apx 10m/s. Motocalc
Also used 6 cells with lower climb rate but also lower all up weight (85A). Not all controllers capable.
Kontronik FAI18 controller. With 6 and 10 CP cells the old SL70-6-18 was used.
Receiver Shulze 835w (40cm antenna coming out of rudder)
RX power: 4x700NiMh
All up weight Superior 2800g. Brio 2650g
This setup (10cell) gives 10-14m/s climb (vertical) and 5-6 climbs to thermal altitude.
Suggested upgrades that can be made:
- The propeller can be smaller (14x10, 15x10, etc) and the current will go down with still enough power to perform a nice climb. This gives the possibility to use a smaller controller. The current will be on a more efficient level and one would probably have more climbs. The preferred motor is the 7S version that can take even bigger propeller.
- One can use fewer cells. Jo have tested all the way down to 6 cells also with great result. Not a vertical climb but less weight and nice climb for sports flying.

Jojo's comment: "A perfect way of having a full house ship yet not the need for a winch! And within some F5J rules it is even able to win since it is based on a well proven F3J/B platform. In Norway we still try to perform near 10 cells / 3 lipo"

Equipment used by Guillaume Bourely (Pike Superior carbon and Pike Brio carbon):
The propeller tested are:
RFM 14.5x10 Slim that gave 60A Motocalc
Aeronaut 18x10 that gave 70/75A Motocalc
Motor is an Electronic Model Cyclon Elite 10
2 packs of TP 3S 2100 gen2 = 3S2P 4200maH (draws 41A and can take 60A)
Latest tests (11/05) with 3s2p Thunder Power 4200mah Pro Lite (gen.2 quoted for 15/20C)
Also used with 10 cell CP1700 (37A) Motocalc 14x10 and Motocalc 18x11
Receiver Shulze 835w
Rx power: SBec (power from the battery)
All up weight Superior 2540g / Brio 2470g
This setup gives apx 15 climbs to thermal altitude.
Suggested upgrades that can be made:
- The propeller can be slightly bigger with never 20C pack so that the current comes up to 80-90A. This will give faster climbs.

Guillaume's comment: "I would definitely recommend the e-Brio with normal or long tips for e-flying! I need to set it up properly so I can fly confidently but I can see lots of fun coming."

Equipment used by Robert Burson (Pike Superior Carbon)
The propeller is 18x11 Aeronaut
Motor is an Neu 1509/1.5D/4800 with 6,7:1 gear
16 cells GP2200 that is zapped and matched.
Picture of fit HERE - Motocalc
TMM 16016-3S expert controller
Rx Battery is a four cell Nexcell AAA 800mah
Setup gives and calculated 178A and 23,7m/s climb

This setup (16cell) gives extreme climb or as Robert says: "16cells has no substitute, not even a Porsche"
All up weight is apx 100oz (2835g).

Photo of Robert Burson and hi 16 cell Pike by Denny Overholser

| Throws | 3D-view electro fuse | 3D-view X-tail | Neutral X-tail | Other motor alternatives
| Antenna solutionSuccess of Superior | Tip & tricks | Setup |
| Discussion on RCgroups electro Superior  | Discussion on RCgroups electro Brio |
 Discussion on V-tail conversion, Slovakian site

We thank the following pilots:
Testing of prototype with NiCd batteries Jo Grini
Testing of LiPo batteries and pictures by Guillaume Bourely
Testing of high count cells by Robert Burson

More pictures: