• Settings Pike Giant competition (X-tail) :
    Hook apx 103mm from leading edge (see picture), CG: 115-118mm from leading edge
    CG will change with lead. Adjust with spacers. CG with 500g 115mm. CG with 1000g 114-115mm
    Throws are based on Jo Grini's throws. Please make own adjustments.
    Model is flown with positiv thermal flap even when hunting thermals. Amount of thermal flap is adjusted all the time for most effective flying. It is deppendant on the air one flies in. Neutral is only used for distance, speed in poor conditions (or too much lead) and when in need to come home fast. Negative camber (reflex) is used for speed in good conditions or after a start with too little lead in model.
    Read also the
    NEW page: Setup
Pike Brio 31/9-05 CG 115-118mm Hook : apx: 103mm from leading edge
Surface/acting as Mode Direction Travel  
Aileron/Aileron start up 16mm all measured at wing tip, 40% expo
  speed up 16mm  
  Thermal up 16mm  
  start down 8mm  
  speed down 8mm  
  thermal down 6mm  
Flap/Aileron start up 7mm all measured at wing root
  speed up 7mm  
  thermal up 7mm  
  start down 6mm  
  speed down 6mm  
  thermal down 6mm  
Aileron/Crow All up 9mm at tip
Flap/Crow All down 90degr at root
Elevator/crow mix V-tail All down 2/4mm measurement at half/full crow at ele tip. 
Elevator All up 6mm all measured at tip, 40% expo
Elevator Speed up 6mm all max movement -9/+10 (ele/rud togheter)
Elevator All down 5mm  
Elevator Speed down 5mm  
Rudder Speed up 7mm 40% expo. no combi switch other than in start and F3F
Rudder thermal up 7mm 40% expo. no combi switch other than in start and F3F
Rudder Speed down 5mm 40% expo. no combi switch other than in start and F3F
Rudder thermal down 5mm 40% expo. no combi switch other than in start and F3F
Speed flap (flap) speed up 0-2mm ? Equal along all trailing edge 
Speed flap (ail) speed up 0-1,5mm Measured at tip
Speed flap (ele) speed down 0-0,5mm   
Start flap (flap) start down 10-14mm Equal along all trailing edge
Start flap (ail) start down apx 8mm Equal to flap or 1-2mm less 
Start flap (ele) start down 0,5mm Can be -0,5mm depending on hook and CG
Thermal flap (flap) thermal down 0-6mm Equal along all trailing edge
Thermal flap (ail) thermal down 0-..mm  
X-tail: (picture)
Elevator neutral 89,5mm Measured on top of steel rod and below tail. See picture
Elevator start/speed 88,5mm If used in start the hook needs to be apx 103mm
Elevator crow 86/85mm measured at half/full crow with aileron only 7mm up
Elevator All up/down 94/85mm
(82 w/crow)
Servo arm might need to be long if not fast servo is used.
Rudder All left/right apx 30mm apx 10mm combi-switch while launching