Championship of Czech Republic F5J
with international participations - 7
Nations participating
8th Samba cup and Czech Championship F5J 2019
15-16.06.2019, Sebranice, Policka Letiste airport

Jojo's trip to Samba Cup / Czech
Championship and his impressions.
Yes, the writing is a bit
influenced by me having a long relationship with Samba. Sorry about that :-)
Skip to the results?
Full results HERE
The trip started in Norway with 2
hours driving before the night was spent on a ferry to Germany, Kiel. From there
Google maps said 8 hours to reach Sebranice in Czech Republic where Samba Model
have their work. In reality it took 11 hours but I arrived in time for some
evening food.
The next morning (Friday) the Vostrel family was fully occupied with preparing
for this weekends competition that had grown to over 100 entered pilots. But
they had prepared a new model for me that I only had heard about and seen some
work photos of. I had made a simple design I wanted and both servos and motor
was installed. Before lunch I had installed the receiver, programmed and got
some testflights in with fun video included on a nearby field.

The proper way to have 5minute break in Czech Republic!
Prestige PK2 from Samba Model. Designed by Philip Kolb. Looking nice so far!
First flights done! Mostly empty (1250g) but also a couple with ballast. Looking
good so far :-)Samba Model Prestige 2PK designed by Philip Kolb. Let's say in
memory of Mustafa Koc!! Or at least for me
The rest of the day was spent on
the competition site with meeting friends and getting a couple more flights in.
Settings was on a paper from the designer Philip Kolb and a few other local
pilots had flown it briefly the last week. This gave mee some start settings
though I did my own tests with different CG and camber. The differential was
also some work - though apparently the model flies 90% of a circle with only
rudder/elevator! Conditions varied a little but since it was brand new and my
version was a very light 1200-1250g model (it is big with 86dm2 or so) I could
not get enough ballast in. Luckily I had this feeling before I arrived so I had
a plan for making extra ballast in the outer part of the midsection. Drill was
found and a copper tube I converted with dremel cut into the foam core leaving
perfect space for Tungsten ballast on the CG. This meant apx 2000g model and
hopefully enough for medium conditions.
Btw my light prestige (1200-1250g) has this motor: Axi 2217/12 long 4mm shaft.
Gives me enough power for this light plane. Even 185m in wind and 2kg plane. I
used Talon35 (no amp limit so i recommend bigger esc), tattu 850mah3s and 12x6
RF prop. Apx 40A in flight. I did try 1800mah3s tattu and gave 215m with 2kg
plane. And 1300mah3s racing drone battery gave 200m in 20sec in finals. But
motor and controller is a lot hotter.

Me throwing my Prestige 2PK - Photo Martin

Opening briefing

Mayor and some of the organizers at opening briefing

Airfield is huge - photo by racing drone
Saturday morning and winds were high at the start of the contest. I had to use
my good friend Pike Dynamic with ballast for 2,4kg auw for the first two rounds
as the winds were 8-10m/s and for sure more in higher altitude as we were on the
back of a slightly curved airfield (Policka Letiste airport). I have never flown
an international F5J competition though I do have 3-4 local competitions since I
have focused on F3J up untill now. And in this competition we flew up to 14
pilots in each group and 7 groups in each round. Big line but absolutely no
problems during launch. A couple of dings happend during landings and a plane
was lost flying the wrong model. Not as many crashes as I had expected listening
to people flying big eurotours.
Rd1 finished with some really difficult flights (3min) and some with huge
thermals. 10m/s wind and more in altitude as we are on a slight backside of a
hill. I managed full time but misjudged the altitude when I scooped far front
(262m). So first flight for me was good I thought untill I read my altimeter. A
big penalty for every meter above 200m meant I started a bit far down the list
after round one was finished. Anyhow a good learning curve in my first
international F5J competition. Flew Dynamic as morning flying showed i did not
have big enough motor to get far front with my Prestige 2PK. Hopefully the wind
comes down midday so I can fly it. Lots of smiling faces though some comes back
from the spot early or from a walk downwind...
In second round I did fairly well and managed to control the altitude to 193m
but had some turbulence in the landing so missed that. Otherwise good. Flying
2.4kg Dynamic again. Some guys were killing the groups by flying full and the
rest flew only 5min. Some groups were even won flying only 4:30

It was windy but hot in Czech Republic this weekend. The Viking Moose from
Norway needed lots of Lemonade from the on field tap and ice cream from the
In 3rd round the winds were finally down to 5-6m/s or so making me able to fly
my brand new Prestige 2PK designed by Philip Kolb and produced by Samba Model.
Decent score but I still had to fine tune my starting heights and realiced
getting the excact altitude needs a lot more practice. Where I stopped the motor
was not what I read afterward!! But the altimeter (Alti V4) does not lie as I
have done many tests on it also at work planes. Used 3 different thermals and
speed was good with 2kg Prestige 2PK. Should have pushed the nose down when I
hit a thermal after 15sec motortime. But instead I stopped the motor and gained
speed level before I started climbing after the 10sec measuring period (the F5J
altitude is calculated 10sec after the motor is stopped)
Still I managed some good rounds as I flew well I think. The conditions was
cruel to those not paying attention or possibly was not using enough ballast (or
I was lucky). After round 5 I was in 4th position and knew I did not have to
start very low as we were late in the day and sunday was supposed to rain a lot.

Proper lunch!!
In rd5 I had "beep -beep beeeep" as I plugged in... recoupled two times and got
the correct beeps.. lost 20sec but still managed to win the group by a minute!
Jihaa and with 156m that I think was lowest. it was my well used Alti soldering
that had gone bad. Almost impossible to check... and I know why. It had
previously been installed a bit tight in an earlier model.
All my log files from this
competition can be found HERE

Never underestimate checking electronics!
Conditions were now calmer with 4-5m/s with calm 2-3m/s periods. We stopped for
20min on a rain shower and lightning in the north. But warm and sunny! Started
to love my Prestige and were slowly removing ballast with confidence building. I
also think I had been lucky with the groups as my placing was fine.
The feeling was Philip Kolb had done it again. Yet again he designed a plane
that flies almost by itself. I have not found the sweet spot in high winds yet
but it moves forward in all conditions thrown at it so far. When you put in
distance camber1 it immediately plows forward without any bump or hesitation.
Putting in more up camber (I have 1-3mm in slider) just increases speed without
touching the elevator. Same with thermal camber. Just set the speed you want
with the camber. With current joiners I dont even need to touch ailerons after I
have put it up in an angle - no matter how tight the circles are almost.
This all sounds too good to be true maybe. But it does feel good. Just have to
get a stronger version with heavy motor for windy 8m/s++ or enough ballast and
decent motor. But for a superduperlight up to 5-6m/s or so the tiny axi I got
installed is great and save you a bit of weight too.
Oh btw.. it comes with removable nose cone and you install everything before you
cut it ON THE BACKSIDE to fit your CG. No more fuzz scratching your head on
weights of wires etc. Rudder is removable too so that you can pack this thing
down to a tiny box (wing is 3 piece and centre panel with sleeves are 168cm).

State of the art F5J setups
Both 30 and 32mm available and space for outrunner
"normal" receiver fits

Todays F5J models can be broken down for
traveling easily
Round 6....
Sooo. I did the rookie mistakes that I like to tell all others. When you
suddenly have to change spotter during a competition you dont necessarily need
to listen to him.. And especially when his team have some internal words for how
high you are compared to others during launch (30sec decision on how high you
should launch). So I ended up 50m lower than the rest and further back than the
rest. Then I found a smooth thermal in 100m altitude but left it because the
spotter was talking a lot of good things about the forest 200m right. It was NOT
his mistake. Dont ever leave a positive thermal. Especially upwind.. It was my
mistake not being used to him as spotter and I am pilot in decision.. Anyhow I
was sitting in 4th place and only needed a safe round. Now I thought i had felt
some places but still in the finals (14 pilots).
We had to stop for dinner and light missing only 2 groups.
Now food was served and next day rain was coming. .
But what a nice dinner! A huge
wooden stove turned the pork around for hours and hours. Feeding 100+ people is
no joke. It was a nice way to end the day with some hot food on the table.

Vlastimil and his son in charge of food!
Tombola (lottery) with a HUGE amount of prices.
This competition showed the potential of a tombola. Not a grand price for the
winner but a chance for anyone to win fantastic prices from the sponsors. Just
look at that long list of super goods that we all love to have. All got to buy 3
tickets for 4eur each. And if some did not buy tickets those were sold in the
lunch for eager pilots

Lots of prices in the Tombola

winner of one of the two JR Dee Force radios
(8ch so super for F5J and I have been a JR dude since early 2000)
Sunday morning showed promissing sun and calm weather but in the distance clouds
were rolling in and we had the first rain early. It was decided to try finishing
round 6 and then try 7 but decide after round 6 last groups were done.

Some clouds forming Sunday morning

Then finals!!! Weather was ok with 4-6m/s first round. 2 pilots with full time.
Thermals were there. Sometimes soft and not always easy to read. I went above my
head for a read and it was ok but changed to some other guys out right and back.
Got full time but need more fiddling around that butterfly break to land
Second final and now the clouds are getting lower. I went alone straight back
for a read out back. Ended again safer with others right side. When a thermal
was found half way thru the round many of us disappeared in clouds. So 2-3
circles and leave it for the next. I think I went thru 6-7 thermals to finish
with full time. We were only 6 with full time.
We started rd3 final but had to stop after a few minutes as most flew into low
I ended up 2nd and are very happy flying the plane for the first time on friday
at lunchtime... getting it at 09:00 ?? It is easy to fly!!
Highest altitude award. There was a price for this and the winner got a bottle
of vodka!! I almost won this one with 265m in first round...
Congratulations to winner Jan Leiner from Czech Republic that became both Czech
Champion and overall winner with his "old" (as he said himself ;-) ) Aspire.
I got second place and are very happy with that!! :-)
So:1st Jan Leiner, CZE (Aspire)
2nd Jo Grini, NOR (Prestige 2PK)
3rd place Stepan Ter, CZE (Pike Dynamic)
4th Pavel Hofer, CZE (Pike Dynamic)
5th Jiri Duchan, CZE (Prestige 2PK)
6th Milan Chalupnik, CZE (Pike Dynamic)
7th Martin Rajsner, CZE (Pike Dynamic)
In juniors podium were:
1. Jan Bruner, CZE
2. Jaroslav Vostrel, CZE
3. Lubos Pospisil, CZE
In 65+ podium were:
1. Peter Feigl, GER
2. Mirek Cip, CZE
3. Zdenko Durka, SVK
Czech Champion F5J 2019 podium:
1. Jan Leiner
2. Stepan Ter
3. Pavel Hofer |


Czech Champoonship F5J National song ceremony
15min video by Radim Barc
A big thanks to our sponsors:
