First flights and observations from Philip
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26/3 Munich
We experienced lovely spring like weather in Munich today. The
fist time over 20°C for nearly 4 Month now. Went out flying with the
Monster today (heavy layup). We had 6 - 8 m/s Wind. And I bended
that wing for the first time. Lovely launches, lovely mostly rough
thermals, but strong ones. I attached one nice launch-log. But they
all nearly looked the same. Between 294m and 311m. Turnaround (sure)
at 200m, a 1.4mm P39 Line and a 55mm diameter on the winch.
Flying was just more exiting than launching. The climb rate was
huge, but so was the sink by coming back from the downwind side
covering ground. The Monster flies more like an F3B Ship, not
turning that tight as the lighter one. It's clear that the heavier
tips cause this behaviour. But I'm not unhappy for using this model
in turbulent conditions and expecting it to fly more stable there.

19/3 Back in
I had a really lovely day flying on our clubfield in Munich
today. I took out the just finished "Monster"-Perfect and the first
one. I did some first installations on the Monster just to see, that
it flies well. There are no big differences in the flying behaviour
and the handling to the lighter one. I just could recognize some
slower movement by trying to circle very tight whilst flying slow. I
think this comes from the heavier tips of the wing. But above
all.....these were my really first flights in calm air with the
perfect. I took the lighter one after some flights with the
"Monster" for the air was so smooth and this plane is dedicated to
be the one for "normal" conditions. I experienced air with nearly no
sink and very large areas of consistent light lift, just to follow
for some 10 minutes downwind (we had very little wind today) having
gained 200 meters of altitude after all. I just marked, that the
handling of the perfect in this air was very stable (some of you
might definitely say: "Way too stable."). I could recognize this by
a slow whipping from tip to tip as I tried to fly as slow as I can
without stalling it. So I removed flight by flight more lead from
the nose. The plane is still nice to control, even tighter turns at
very low speeds seem to be possible and the floating speed is very
stable as well. I really loved to fly this ship today. It was far
beyond that aggressive style we needed to fly during the last two
weeks. For the day I ended up removing 20 Grams from the nose, which
equals a CG-Position of 110-111mm (have to measure it once more).
The last flights of the day were the most pleasure.....Just floating
more than 20Minutes above the Munich trade fair centre which is just
250 Metes away from the field and was still a little warmer than the
rest of the field. Or just floating out the limits on sunset by
letting the plane hang. Now I am really confident. As long as the
perfect will float like this evening I definitely would say, that
this potential is good enough for the morning and evening rounds. I
just hope, that the conditions on our field were not too good today.
So I try to go out early in the morning several times to check this
performance a few times more doing sunrise flights with a logger
aboard. :-)
14/3 Hello out
We are still alive and flying. We spent three more days
experiencing calmer air. Unfortunately it was again far away from
floating conditions. Wind speed was quite slow with some 3m/s, but
the wind direction changed to southeast. So the airfield shows up
rather turbulent for having a few hills in the foreground. All though
I got quite used to the behaviour of the model in rough air I had
fun with it now in a more relaxing way! As long as I did not enter the rough layer near to the ground it was even possible to
leave the plane longer periods of time on its own. Letting it hang,
letting it fly, no problems. The setup proved to be suitable in
calm air as well. After all we have to admit, that the perfect is
very easy to handle. And we even could try out the flap ability this
time. For not stopping the plane or slowing it down too much only
small flap settings are required. I think it can take some more than
the 2° we flew whilst hanging in that 3m/s wind when the wind is
totally gone.
Mustafa took out a 1.35mm Handtow line and his Perfect to log some
tows. We tried to keep it as realistic to the conditions as
possible, so some 5 second launches seemed to be the choice for that
kind of weather. Interesting that it was much more difficult to do
identical launches on handtow compared to the winch launches. You'll
find a few "average" launches attached. The maximal reached altitudes
were varying between 181 and 216 meters. The launch times between 4.6
and 5.6 seconds. The launch altitudes are just less interesting in my
opinion than the proportion of hookoff-altitude and launch-altitude.
So after all we are quite happy with this first period of testing and
flying. We are really looking forward to meet on the first Eurotour
events for flying the Pike perfect in competition. As soon as we
will have reliable data of sunrise-floating I'll let you know and
see. Thank you once again to Samba model for producing and providing
this new glider and to Mustafa V. Koc and the guys from
Istanbul-Soaring Club for providing their airfield and all the
lovely surroundings!
Yours: Philip

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10/3 Flying again!
Today was flyable weather again... After
nearly one week of rain, storm and snow. Istanbul still shows its
windy face, so floating out the limits wasn't possible anyhow. Thus
another day of working the air and another day of extreme pleasure.
We tried out flying the new ship ballasted as wind was still fairly
strong (6-8m/s). Covering ground is far easier than with an empty
ballast tube while pulling g's in tight thermal turs is no problem
with the additional weight as well. So we soared nearly every corner
at Riva-Airfield experiencing marvellous lift after a very cold
night and lots of sunshine during the day. Might have been a great
day for going on a cross-country flight as well today. So how can we show
up with any good feedback by only experiencing Pike perfect in such a
subjective way, only judging, not measuring?
Some of you might say that our experiences are not trustable or
neutral, so how to show up with some figures? Believe me we try to
write down our experiences as realistic as possible, but when it
comes around experiences you should note, that they can't be
'neutral' in any way.
So today we put an altitude-logger in the perfect and tried to do
suitable launches for that kind of weather. In a competition an
F3J-Pilot would try to gain as much altitude on a proper launch
after a minimal launching time for the air showing off energetic. To
get valid and reliable data we tried to hook off as exactly as we
could manage after 3 seconds of launching time. we used a standard
F3B-winch to have the same amount of power in every launch (just
keeping an eye on the battery and change it as soon as the voltage
goes down) which was equipped with a 250mm wide and 55mm diameter
drum and a wet 1.45mm diameter Speedline. The turnaround was
installed 150m upwind of the winch.
We did 26 usable launches with Pike perfect and several with another
F3J-plane usually used in that kind of conditions. There were two
launches where I released the model in to a wind gust that caused
the model to slide to the side right after the release. I had to use
some coorection for the launch to go on. This takes time! The average Hookoff-time was 3.04
seconds (I was quite astonished by the way how exact you can hook off
whilst counting the time!), average hookoff-altitude was 70.39m and
average launch-altitude was 151.08m. There was no significant
difference to the smaller all carbon F3J-model we used for reference
mark able.
So hopefully we can show up with some measured graphs flying calm
air soon, all the best, yours:

Launch |

Good one |

Launch |

Best one |

Launch |

Worst launch |
Go to page 2 of Philip's log HERE
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