Prestige 2PK F3J - F5J.

Prestige 2PK nose cone for F3J version. It is made for electro version nose cone but from diameter 30 mm. The new version is nicer and more fluent shape than 32mm nose cone nose.

 Many pilots require the Prestige 2PK F3J also as an electro for stormy conditions F5J. Up until today we recommended an extra fuselage with robust servos in the cabin (JR NX 3425, Kstx12-508, Mks 6125e ...)
But we were inspired by Stig Magne Olsen. He placed the KST-508 servos in the fuselage under the wings instead of MKS 6110 HV (for F5J version).
Mounting is a little more difficult, requiring several fuselage and servo modifications, but it's possible and works great. We recommend fitting the assembly at the Samba model workshop.
Advantage of KST X12-508: you save money for second fuselage, rudder, receiver and two servos. You invest small money for F3J nose and receiver accu (2 x Lion 18650)
Tow hook is easily removable.
There is only one disadvantage with the KST X12-508 under the wing. Plane is about 40 g heavier - you have to put some ballast on the nose instead of two servos. (with servos in the cabin version, only 2 servos and 2 x Lion 18650 there is no lead needed)

Big thanks Stig Magne Olsen for the suggestion for improvement.

JR NX3425 in canopy opening

MKS HV6110


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