Pike Perfect electro

Very demanding electro version of PIKE Perfect will be put into production in July 2008.
Pictures and text of the prototype Pike Perfect electro from the diary of Jo Grini

DAY .. 30.oktober 2007 - Perfect electro
YES the first Pike Perfect with electro has flown. It is a first issue to check out the incidence on the motor and see that all equipment could be easily installed. I used my trusty Hacker B50-6S with 6,7:1 gear, 18x11 prop and FAI18 controller. The cells were 4xA123 that needs to be slightly warm to do well but does fairly well cold also on the first climb (we are talking >10m/s). The total weight was 2735g with the standard wing (edited 2545g with SL wing) and the fuse ready to go was 1280g (incl. elevator this was a standard fuse). The model flew just as well as I expected and it was like I had the small ballast tube in. The incidence is 0 degrees both down and right but since the nose is dropping (banana shaped the whole fuse) it makes some degrees down thrust. This was super and there was no need for right thrust. Since the fuse is shaped like this it is very easy to get whatever cells you want inside from the canopy. I checked with both some Kokam 4 cells, 10GP2200 and the mentioned A123 and there is room for much more if someone wants a rocket. Will get back with the weights. In the tail I used 2 pcs of Airtronics 94761Z (the whole model is equipped with this servo) and there was enough room to have everything inside the rudder post (nice ;). For receiver I used a 9ch SPCM JR and 4 cells 1500mah AA-NiCd just behind the wing.
Photos by my son Fredrik

DAY .. 18.November 2007 - Pike Perfect SL electric (super light)
-4Celcius outside and the fog is covering the valley and my place (at 445m). So I drove of higher and found a nice small lake (729m above sealevel) just 10km from me. This is now the first frozen lake flying this year! Pike Perfect Electro with SL wing was taken out and I had already preheated the battery (4xA123) in the front window of the car. Flew a long 30min flight with a couple of landings in the hand and direct throw again just for the photos. Lovely day out. Today I also changed the joiners to Philip's home made ones (5,5degree). You loose slight flying time maybe but you gain in crisp rudder. Not really sure what I will use this season but I like them.

DAY .. 16.November 2007 - Pike Perfect SL electric (super light)
Tested the SL wing on the electro fuse today in very calm conditions. Just above zero so the A123 was ok without preheating. Model felt lighter in handling than with the "heaver" wing but other than that it was no big noticeable difference from this one flight. Great to know I have the possibility to use both wings. Pike Perfect SL Electro go down to 2545g!

DAY .. 4.November 2007 - Perfect electro
Yeah I had to make another launch video.. But this time it is electric. My Pike Perfect was a perfect test today since the temperature was below 0C and I had cold A123 cells in it. I must say sorry.. They do not work well above 100A in cold temperatures. If they are warm or heated with flying they work well but my first climb was not even 10m. A few more climbs and the cells are good and I had two charges and no problem after the first miserable climb. So the deal is just as any other cells: start with the warm. Either use a cooler set for heating or leave them in front of the car heater for some time before you fly. But the cells will stay in the model.. Why? Because they can be ready charged long time before you go flying and you get almost all the juice out of them in full power. I stopped climbing when I heard the motor rpm going down and I charged them 2110mah leaving less than other cells. Maybe you are wondering what I feel about the comparison with the Supra? Well the climb rate might be best with the lighter Supra while the Perfect can handle the weight better. So for fun flying maybe the Perfect while Supra for F5J when the climb rate is important? Will depend on the rules I think. Either way both models is nice to have an electric motor in.
Video of the Pike Perfect HERE (15,6mb .wmv)

DAY .. 13.January 2008 - Perfect E SL
- A bit cold with -10C but had to get out and fly a bit. Some flights with the Perfect Electro SL and in today's conditions I could just float and float and float... Very thick air that suddenly changed for some minutes before it was silky smooth again.

DAY .. 6.January 2008 - Perfect electro
- Lots of snowfall lately but we have kept the big field open (400x40m) and after removing snow for an hour today I took out the Perfect electro and had 2 long flights. A couple of other guys also was out in the light snowing weather and -2C. Not very good weather to take pictures but with a flash I managed some ok pictures.

DAY .. 26.April 2008 - Perfect El
A bit turbulent but I needed a flight with my Perfect electro. 


